Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween's Coming!

So, most of you know how much I love Fall and Halloween. Well, I'm so glad that it's coming! I'm gearing up for the 2nd Annual Richfield Halloween Party!!! Last year was a riot and we had so many come. I'm hoping this year will be just as great if not better. I really look forward to this even though it's a lot of work. There's something about getting all dressed up and acting different than I usually act that really makes me happy. I love to bring people together and entertain. I always look forward to seeing the costumes people choose and watching them act so crazy. It brings out such a different side of people. I too feel that it brings us closer together as friends and as a ward.

This year I'm proud to say we grew our own pumpkins! First time ever! The kids loved watching them grow and loved getting to harvest them.
This year's party invitation!

I guess you could say I made a whole graveyard full.
Creepy Cats! I made these thanks to Martha Stewart

The new Fall/Halloween Rag quilt I just finished! I wasn't sure if I like it at first but I do now. Boy, I'm glad it's done!

Parker and I got to go on his 1st Grade Field Trip to Maple Grove. It was beautiful up there with all the Fall colors.
Conference Weekend we met Nate's family at his sister Tara's house. We had lunch together and then went to Hill Airforce Base. It was great to see them again. Nate's mom flew to Mississippi to see Tami and her baby the next day. This is boy #3 for her!
We spent the weekend watching conference in Malta with my parents. The kids were actually pretty good because they all got quite sick.
Madi, Nate and I watching conference. We had a great weekend inspite of all the sick people. We love to spend time with Darin, Tayna and his family too. We always wish we could live a little closer to home. Thanks everyone for the great weekend.

Savannah and her best friend Elle. They love to play dress-up and dance. Between the two of them, I think they own every Disney princess costume!

Happy Fall Everyone!


Tayna said...

What cute invitations! I wish we could come. You always throw great parties! I love the rag quilt, it turned out so good! Even the blog is Halloween! Have a fun party!

Ashley said...

You are awesome Jenny! I have been trying to get a halloween party together, and just can't quite do it. We'll see.I really like your decorations! I'm so jealous, I need you to come help me with our fall decor! I just took down a SPRING decoration. Boy am I behind. Can't wait to hear more of the party. Hope the kids and Nate are all recovering!

Jill Lau said...

Cute pictures. I always think about having parties but never end up doing them. The picture of you and Parker is cute.

Susy Harper said...

Jenny! I'm so impressed with your cute invitations, pumpkins, quilt, and Halloween decorations and the darling kids! They're awesome! Hope your party turns out great!

Liz said...

What a cute cute quilt. Savannah is getting so big, I can't believe it. Sounds like you had a great conference weekend

Angela said...

Your invitations were great! I want to make some quilts for every occasion just to hang on my wall for decor. That rag quilt is to die for! I wanted one of those for Logan since he was born in Oct.
Happy Halloween and Fall to you and yours!

AndSuchAs said...

The invitations are adorable!